Monday, September 30, 2019

Gully Trap

Everything you need to know about gully traps Waste Pipes Ground Level Concrete Surface Grating 25mm above paved and 100mm above unpaved What is a gully trap? Agullytrapisabasininthegroundwhichreceivespiped wastewaterfromyourkitchen,bathroomandlaundrybeforeitis emptiedintothesewer. Thebasinhasawatersealtopreventfoul odoursofthesewerreachingthesurface. Thetoporsurroundis raisedabovegroundleveltopreventstormwaterandotherforeign matterenteringthesewer. What should my gully trap look like? Thediagramshowstheacceptedconfigurationofagullytrapasset outintheNewZealandBuildingCode.Gullytraparrangementswhich TheBuildingCodesaysyourgullytrapsurroundsmustbe25mm aboveapavedsurfaceor100mmaboveunpavedsurfaces. Compacted granular bedding material Separation from building material Gully traps are not meant for stormwater Inperiodsofheavyrain,asuddenincreaseinwater flowingintothesewerthroughgullytrapscanresult inwastewateroverflowselsewhereinthesewerage system. Thiscanresultinrawsewageentering ourharb our. Theseexcessiveflowscanalsocause problemsatthewastewatertreatmentplantdueto systemoverloading. Approved gully trap keeping rain water out of the wastewater system.Illegal gully trap allowing rain into the wastewater system. Common reasons why rain water flows into a gully trap inClude: †¢ Incorrectheightofthegullytrapsurrounds †¢ Downpipesplumbedintothegullytrapinsteadofthestormwatersystem A TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL SERVICE †¢ Landscapingthatdirectswaterintothegullytrap Water seal 65mm (min) donotcomplywiththisconfigurationareconsideredillegal. 600mm (max) Preventing sewer overflows to keep our harbour clean TheSouthernPipelineisa$106Mwastewaterpipeline thatwillredirectmostofthecity’swastewateroverto TeMaunga.However,it’sstillafewyearsaway. InthemeantimeCouncilhasstartedinspectinggully trapsthroughoutthecitytohelpcustomersknowif theirsisOK,andtoofferadviceonhowtofixthemif they’renot. Ifeverypropertyownerwithanincorrectlydesigned gullytrapfixedit, theamountofstormwatersneaking intothewastewatersystemwouldbegreatlyreduced. Not all problems will be solved by these options . . . Ifyouhavelandscapingthatdirectsstormwater intoyourgullytrap,youmayneedtospeaktoyour drainlayeraboutoptionstofixthis. Somegully trapsmayalsoneedadditionalworktomakethem compliant.Tofurtherminimiseanywatergettingintothe wastewatersystemallpropertyownersmust ensurethat: †¢ anypavingsurroundingthegullytrapisgraded todirectallstormwaterawayfromit †¢ allwastepipeconnectionstothegullytrap remainwatertight †¢ anydownpipesthatcurrentlydischargeinto thegullytrapareredirectedtoastormwater system(e. g. soakholeorreticulationsystem). How can I fix my gully trap? Toraiseyourgullytraptotherequiredheight, suitable. hereareacoupleoflowcostoptionsthatmaybe 1. Installaplasticriser. Thisisfittedoverthe gullytrapwithsealantaroundtheedgesand walltokeepstormwateroutofthegullytrap.Theseareavailablefromhardwareoutlets likeMitre10,PlacemakersorCarters. 2. Installac oncretehalfring(alsoknownasa nibwall). Thisiscementedintoplacewith sealantaroundtheedgesandwalltokeep stormwateroutofthegullytrap. These areavailablefromaconcretesupplierlike Humes. For more information or advice, please contact Tauranga City Council on (07) 577 7000 or go to www. tauranga. govt. nz and type in key words ‘gully trap’. A TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL SERVICE If you need more help contact Waterline Ph: 577 7000 Web: www. tauranga. govt. nz MVM50675F

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Assess the View Family Is Found in Every Society Essay

Assess the view that the family is found in every society. (24 marks) A family is a group of people that live together in the same household, they work together and pool their resources and to some extent they share domestic tasks and income. Families often reproduce and have children. They usually include an adult male and female who have a sexual relationship which is approved of by the wider society as it is often a marital relationship. This is Murdock’s definition of a family and is often considered to be a nuclear family. Murdock, a functionalist, based his definition on a sample of 250 societies which ranged from hunting and gathering bands to small-scale farming societies to large-scale industrial societies. He found a variety of family forms within his sample however each contained a basic nucleus consisting of a husband and a wife with one or more children, either their own or adopted. Murdock believed that the nuclear family is a universal social grouping as it is f ound in all societies. Aside from the nuclear family there are also extended families, these often contain relatives of kin either through blood or through marriage. This is often having aunties and uncles who become family through marriage and then have children to make the family bigger with cousins. These all stem off from the nuclear family. Families are also larger due to beanpoles, this is usually grandparents and grandchildren, and the family gets bigger due to different generations getting bigger. In the nuclear family it is usually a monogamous marriage that takes place, this is where a person only marries one person and this is considered the norm in many societies. In other societies polygamy is the norm. This is where a person is permitted to marry more than one person at a time for example in the Mormon society this is the norm. This often occurs in these societies as there is a shortage of men or women, due to the economic stability or to provide more children. In some societies, the nuclear family is not the norm. Felicity Edholm said that there was nothing normal or natural about the nuclear family. She states that family and kinship relationships are socially constructed as they are based on culture more than on biology. The links between husband and wife, and parent and child are constructed differently within different societies. The Lakker of Burma see there being no blood relationship between the mother and the child, the mother is simple a container for the child to grow in, therefore sexual relationships between the mother and the child are permitted due to no blood relationship so it is not seen as incest. This shows that in societies a nuclear family is not normal. The Nayer society in India is made up of men and women descended through the female line from a common ancestor. Brothers and sisters, women and children live together; the children are members of their mothers group and not their fathers. The Nayer girls marry a man before puberty and later on are permitted to as many lovers as they want. Her ‘husband’ may or may not be one of these lovers. The children are raised in their mother social group and ‘husbands’ and fathers so not share the same residence as their ‘wives’ and have little to do with their children. The brother of the mother raises the children like his own rather than the biological father and it is his job to look after them. This IK society is another society which doesn’t have a nuclear family. The IK societies face a daily struggle to survive in the face of draught, famine and starvation. Anyone who cannot look after themselves are regarded as useless burdens. Children are regarded as useless appendages the same as old people as they use up precious resources so they are often abandoned and left to die, sick and disabled children are also left to die. The IK mothers throw the children out of the village compound at three years old and they have to then fend for themselves. These examples of non-nuclear families are interactionalists idea’s and do show that the family is not universal as there are some societies without families such as the IK. The Marxists agree with the interactionalists in that families don’t appear in all societies, the Marxists believe that families only appear in societies with a private residence therefore making it non-universal. The feminists believe that the family only appears in families where the men dominate the women; it doesn’t have to be universal. The new rights think that there is a universal human tendency to live in families; however there are other universal tendencies too such as the desire for survival. In these cases the tendency for families to appear may be overridden. In modern western societies the family may be in decline because selfishness over-rides the natural tendency to form families.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Marketing - Assignment Example they provide extensive as well as exclusive club experiences and allow the member customers to track their flight information, reservation status etc. Sometimes the company even inclines towards providing discounted reservation for the selected exclusive club members (Bowman & Gatignon, 2010). British Airways is one of the busiest airlines over the world. It serves variety of people; mainly corporate tourists who make frequent travels and are loyal to the airways along with the business travellers the company even provides services to other travellers as well. All the applications are easy to use as well as allow users to access any essential information as per their needs. Other processes like, booking facilities, service processes are keenly extensive and exclusive for all the passengers. For providing a detailed understanding towards the marketing mix the targeted consumers are segmented within two groups to which British Airways provides B2C services. These segments are group of families who are having young children (aged between 18 and 30) and other group is over 60+ (single or married). British Airways provides variety of services for different segment of customers. It provides flights across different countries and in the different regions located around the globe, with the best quality flights services. British Airways known for its valued services preferred by executive class, business class, speed, security, service facilities, along with years of experiences in providing quality services to all the customers over years. Families prefer these services as they are usually travelling with children and 60+ aged people also prefer travelling in comfort. Additionally, British Airways serves the fundamental products along with other choices of product ranges in or der to satisfy all age customer needs. It has attained its standard and always tries to enhance and modify the service ranges and other facilities to make it suitable for general passengers of all

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Relation Between Faith And Reason In St. Augustine's Confessions Essay

The Relation Between Faith And Reason In St. Augustine's Confessions - Essay Example God allows the famines to kill thousands of hungry people in some parts of the world. God allowed the killing of innocent civilians during the September 2001 Osama Bin Laden attack on New York and the Pentagon. God allowed the Muslim Extremists to capture jet planes as battering rams during the fateful ground zero disaster. God also allowed the assassination of John F. Kennedy. God allowed the Watergate scandal. God has a reason for allowing the surprise Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor. God allowed the hurricane Katrina to wreak havoc on Florida’s coastlines. God has a reason for inflicting death and sorrow among the innocent civilians. Faith shows that people should never doubt God’s reason for inflicting such disasters. Likewise, the verse â€Å"What I then did was worthy reproof; but since I could not understand reproof, custom and reason forbade me to be reproved.†2 The verse clearly indicates that Saint Augustine had faith reproof or rebuke is a reasonable a lternative for violations of moral law, ethical standards, and other societal rules and regulations. Society implements the regulations to create harmony in society. Policies are have been proposed, scrutinized, studied, and approved to preserve the peace and harmony of the state. Policies and regulations contain corresponding penalties to deter or eliminate the actualization and continuation of crimes against the residents. For example, a worker caught sleeping during duty time is initially reprimanded. Another employee is terminated for stealing company property. The courts will jail a speeding car owner for running over an ailing 70-year-old pedestrian crossing the street. The company is closed down for engaging in the selling of heroine within school premises. The court penalized Dr. Murray with a 40-year sentence of intentionally injecting a deadly sleeping medicine on world-famous Michael Jackson. Saint Augustine reminds us that people must have faith in the reasons for implem enting punishment for violating rules, regulations, policies, and other legal documents. Another verse states, â€Å"Human friendship also is endeared with a sweet tie, by reason of the unity formed of many souls.3 Saint Augustine dictates the people must have faith in the reasons for unity. People live to have someone to hear to their boring stories. One of the reasons for loving another person is to receive love in return. The people are stronger if they bind together. It is not customary for a person to live a hermit life all alone in the mountains of California. It is customary for people to marry and have a family. It is customary for the parents to bring up their child in the best possible way. Saint Augustine expresses the importance of having faith in a person’s reasons for preferring do whatever it takes uniting the people. In terms of faith, the faith verse â€Å"Thou alone art God exalted over all... †4. Whoso enters into Thee, enters into the joy of his Lo rd: and shall not fear, and shall do excellently in the All-Excellent. I wandered, O my God too much astray from Thee my stay, in these days of my youth....†5 The verse shows that people must praise and worship God at all times. Saint Augustine insists that all human beings must spend some portion of their times praying for God’s blessings, help, and protection from the elements and evil persons. Saint Augustine insists that people should have faith in God’

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Film Analysis of War Horse Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Film Analysis of War Horse - Movie Review Example The movie revolves around the unspoken love and attachment between a young boy named Albert Narracott and the horse bought by his drunken father, Ted with an intention to plough his farms and more specifically to spite his landlord who was known as Lyon. The entire movie is filmed in Devon, England. Albert names the horse as Joey and trains him to plough. Their love grows as they spend time together. With the passage of time, Albert teaches Joey many different things. However, a drastic event changes everything between them. Ted sells Joey to Captain Nicholls to cover losses incurred by his destroyed turnip crops. Captain Nicholls, who was in British Army, promises the young Albert that he would take care of the Joey during the war and he would return him as soon as the war ends. Joey is trained well for all the military purposes. Unfortunately, during the war Captain Nicholls got killed in France and Joey was captured by the Germans along with other many horses. From there, Joey emb arks on a new journey and ends up when a French girl named, Emilie discovers two horses inside a windmill. Emilie, who lives with her grandfather, suffers from an unidentified illness. Later, their property and the horses are confiscated by the German soldiers and they take everything away with them. Now the story takes another melancholic turn and Albert is seen fighting alongside with Andrew, his best friend, in the Second Battle of the Somme in 1918. Albert loses his longtime best friend Andrew in the battlefield against German army.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The marketing mix Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The marketing mix - Assignment Example Even when marketing a product that has high demand, it is advisable for marketers to observe what competitors are doing because competitors always seek to increase their market share. In addition, it is vital to focus on the immense amount of data surrounding the product so as to formulate well-informed marketing strategies and to plan for the future effectively. Today’s consumers have good market knowledge, and hence marketers cannot meet customer satisfaction unless they identify the actual needs of consumers. Finally, production managers must deliver superior quality products as consumers have wide range of choice today. Major principles of product include core product, product lifecycle, and branding. Under the core product principle, a uniform core product is designed that is capable of integrating a number of standard attachments, parts, or components. The integration of these attachments to the core product benefits companies to meet the preferences of local consumers in country. It is relevant to note that the value of the core product is higher when compared to the total value of the finished product. Hence, it is clear that the core product constitutes a notable proportion of the total value of the finished product. In addition, this product approach may assist firms to take advantages of economies of scale and thereby cut down production costs. The product lifecycle principle posits that there are four major steps in the development of a product, including introduction, growth, maturity, and decline (Zimmerman & Blythe, 2013, p.173). The introduction stage is characterised with start-up sales growth, and generally firms spend more on production and marketing than what they receive in sales revenues. Sales significantly increase in the growth stage and firms begin to enjoy a positive return on their investment. In the maturity stage, the longest period of the product

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Network Gaming essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Network Gaming - Essay Example Likewise, after a stressful day, anyone can connect to the online gaming network to release stress and get entertained. The infrastructure provides a collaborative interface that connects one or more participants. As the Internet users are increasing, online gaming industry is also gaining popularity. In 2004, multi-player online games generated billions of revenue. A report related to online games was published in 2004. It demonstrated that 300 online games development companies have produced 175 online games, having 20 million players. Moreover, the report also illustrated that only a single online game named as â€Å"World of Warcraft† has generated $700 million via monthly subscription fee with 4 million subscribers around the world (Yeung, John Lui 2008). Massively Multiuser Online Game (MMOG) or massively multiplayer online (MMO) is an online computer played by many people on the Internet. Likewise, MMOG differs from traditional online games due to its everlasting enviro nment. Anyone can join in between the game and at anytime (Mmog. 2011). There is no limit, as thousands of people can connect to MMOG’s. Popularity of MMOG has attracted attention of console video games, software engineers, researchers, organizations and media (Putzke, Fischbach et al. 2010). The hardware architecture of MMOG is partitioned via different hosed game servers. These servers store different worlds that are divided in many portions. The players are charged with a monthly subscription fee for unlimited gaming, as each game is connected with hundreds or thousands of players. Some of the games based on MMOG are Star wars, Everquest and lineage (, IBM Research - Online Games Research). However, other online games are also available. For instance, games based on First-person Shooter (FPS) or Server-based Games, low latency action games, online console action games, peer-to-peer games, mobile games etc. There is a limited amount of research that is conducted for network gaming and MMOG (, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. - CyberPsychology & Behavior - 6(1):81). Likewise, research shows different approaches to protect MMOG and online gaming from security threats. For instance, any user can hack the gaming network to crash the server or use fake subscriptions credentials. This paper will highlight research and study in the context of network gaming and MMOG. Justifying Lags Although the portions of an online multi player game are hosted in different servers, there are still issues related to inconsistency of game play and experience. As thousands of players are connected from all around the world, a mechanism is required for a smooth multi player online game play experience. A research was conducted to overcome this issue. A proposed framework was implemented in order to analyze and control the hot spot region. Three contributors that were implemented in this study are (Zheng Da 2009) : Analytical model is presented for abstracting the operations from an asso ciated point-to-point multi player online gaming platform. Likewise, the model was presented to quantify delays and analyze inconsistency (Zheng Da 2009) A definition for the concept of consistency was proposed altogether with inconsistency rates in the context of computing and distinctiveness along with activities of the player. By concluding from the numeric results in conjunction with the models, the researchers proved that if the system becomes slow for a longer period,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Existing and Possible Generation Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Existing and Possible Generation Model - Essay Example The paper tells that the first generation which was put into use from the 1950s to mid-1960s and it focused on technological push. This was aimed at swift industrial growth and new technological prospects. The second generation innovation was popular in the mid-1960s to late 1970s. This generation focused on the existing technologies and used them to develop a new brand of products. It took advantage of the balance in the supply and demand chain. The pull on the market was exploited by the highly efficient companies, more like a survival of the fittest analogy. In the early 1970s to mid-1980s, the third generation came into focus. It is known as the coupling model because it integrated the technological push and market pull generations. Companies had to adopt new strategies that involved rationalization and consolidation.5 The fourth generation brought about an emphasis on manufacturing strategies. Manufacturing companies formed alliances and this shortened product life-cycles in the market. It was rampant in the period of early 1980s to early 1990s and was branded, the integrated model. The fifth generation model was a target for survival in the market. Companies focused on flexibility and adaptability to changing times. It was the adopted from the mid-1990s. The companies had to be more competitive so as to keep up with the industrial revolution, fast innovation was, therefore, an arsenal that top companies possessed. The models stated above came with their pros and cons. A ‘one size fits all’ strategy is yet to be innovated. Like all great ideas, the business management novelties followed certain procedures before implementation: the idea generation, concept development, evaluation, selection and ultimately the actualization of the concept through implementation. Innovation can be described as a technological push (like in the case of the first generation strategy) or a market pull (like in the case of the second generation strategy) or a combin ation of both which outdoes the individual strategies. The researcher would, however, adopt a network approach type of model where innovation is approached simultaneously from an internal and external aspect.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Joining the Navy Essay Example for Free

Joining the Navy Essay It was a rainy, humid morning on Wednesday, October 8, 2008, a day I could never forget. I turned over calmly and realized it was 4:30am, time to get out of bed. It was the big day. All these thoughts were racing through my head. What am I doing? Am I sure this is right for me? Will I succeed in this? I was timid, excited, and fluttered all at the same time. It was the day Id no longer be a civilian. Eight weeks from that day Id be calling myself a United States Navvy Sailor. As I woke up and started to get ready, I could feel goose bumps Jitter up my spine. What occupied my mind was the thought of leaving my family. I was the last child still living at home. My brothers were already gone. Would my parents be able to cope? I know my dogs would miss me terribly. It was time to depart to the recruiting office. From there, NCI Valencia had to drive me to the Military Entrance Processing Station. That day felt like a surreal blur. NCI Valencia would give me advice with a big grin on his face, and I would hear him, but not listen. My nerves were overpowering my body and I couldnt manage them. I then pent the whole day in a building completing all these exams to make sure I was hearty and robust to leave. That day was the longest day of my life. Looking around, I felt at ease. All the other recruits were giving out the same body language I was giving. We were all feeling the same feelings and thinking the same thoughts. I wasnt alone. It was time for the Oath of Enlistment Ceremony. A few men in sailor uniforms brought all the recruits into a room with a variety of flags. My family was the only family that attended to take pictures of the big event. I then elevated my right hand, hile standing in the position of attention, and reiterated after Chief, l, Amanda Lazcos, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and Using my peripheral vision, I noticed my mother crying. Keeping my emotions intact was extremely arduous. Think about this: I was embarking on a new Journey and leaving the two most important people in my life at the age of 19. This was the first time I would be away from my parents for a long period of time. It was a life-defining moment. The event had come to a close. It was now time to say my farewells. At this point, it was nearly impossible to even glance at my family. Looking at them would make me realize how much they mean to me. I tried to make it quick and simple so I wouldnt shed a flood of tears. The last scent I reminisced on my mother was her Sunflowers perfume. She adored (and still does) that perfume. My father had this truly glorious look in his eyes. I knew he was so delighted to see me doing something positive towards my future. At the same time, I knew he was going to miss me a lot. In an instant, I was on the bus, and off to the airport along with 37 other recruits.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Grolsch Company Essay Example for Free

Grolsch Company Essay 1. Yes, several of the major players have been actively engaging in mergers and acquisitions, leading to a more concentrated market with larger market shares for the leading firms. 2. There is not a clear leader which absolutely dominates the industry. While Heineken is the leader in the international market, Bud (Light) leads total volume. There is also no core, the leading companies in international and total volume markets differ from each other. 3. In its process of expansion, Grolsch has engaged in both cooperation with local brewers, and direct shipping from domestic factories, depending on the markets demand. For markets such as the USA that valued originality, direct shipping was used. For others that did not hold an emphasis on this, joint venture options were explored to cut costs. 4. No, standardization is not increasing. Majority of Grolsch’s sales come from its Grolsch Premium Lager, with other variations such as Amsterdam beers. Packaging was not standardized around the globe, products shipped to different markets had country-specific labels. Grolsch is also priced differently in various markets, priced at a higher price in its domestic market. 5. It implies that minimum target should be to further enhance operations, increasing production and distribution efficiencies to achieve cost reduction in order to remain profitable. 6. Variation is quite large on cross-country markets. Grolsch is priced as a premium brand in non-domestic market and a mid range standard product in the Netherlands for Grolsch Premium Lager. Also, the different products offered in different regions also make them differ in profitability. For example, the home market that accounted for roughly 50% of sales in volume generated 65% of revenues with even higher EBIT. 7. Profits are most tightly linked with volume, with national sales as it is the most profitable providing the highest EBIT and lowest distribution costs. International sales have shown to be slightly less profitable but still important in overall profitability. 8. Price-sensitivity for beer is relatively low, with many competitors in the market so distribution on economic profits should lean more towards suppliers and complementors. 9. Labor took up approximately 15% of revenues compared to 4% to 6% on advertising. Hence, the industry Grolsch is in is most likely labor-intensive.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Customization And Personalization Through Emarketing Marketing Essay

Customization And Personalization Through Emarketing Marketing Essay The most current and relevant literature on e-marketing is examined and the relevant areas disused in various literature which has connection with the objective of the business project are explored in this chapter. E-business and e-commerce are modern form of business which is performed in a technologically advanced business environment. The e-business is termed as the application of information technology for internal business process as well as activities in which a company engages during commercial activity. These activities can include functional activities such as finance, marketing, human resources management and operations (Philips, 2003). Ecommerce is the use of Information and communication technology to enable external activities and relationship with individuals, groups and other businesses (Laudon and Traver, 2002).Due to the growth in electronic media for business functions , the way of interaction between the supplier, distributor, seller and customer has become changed and more enhanced. E-commerce channels allow businesses to get to the customer faster, with more velocity, and more value (Budhwani, 2001) E-Marketing E-marketing is a process of building and maintaining customer relationship through online activities to facilitate the exchange of ideas, products and services that satisfy the goals of both parties (Mohammed et al, 2001). Strauss et al (2003) suggest that e-marketing covers a wide range of IT related applications with three main aims: Transforming marketing strategies to create more customer value through more effective segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning strategies; more efficiently planning and executing the conception, distribution, promotion and pricing of goods, services and ideas; creating exchanges that satisfy individual consumer and organisational customers objectives. Business is mainly based on exchange process; e-marketing has the ability to be beneficial for all the people who involve in the business. Mainly organization has realised this and started to refocus their marketing strategy using e-marketing. E-Marketing versus Traditional Marketing As number of individuals spending their time on internet is increasing rapidly, e-marketing is growing as a powerful marketing tool. Due to advancement and utilisation of technology in Internet has grown rapidly, thereby e-marketing gained more attention by most of the firms and due to this the traditional marketing methods loses its value. The traditional marketing channels like as television, print media, and radio are becoming less popular. The traditional media are competing with the electronic media for seeking customer attention but the Internet and appear to be gaining over the other media. On implementing E-Marketing a company can reach its customer directly through website, e-mail, social networking sites and various other means. E-Marketing is cost effective and also gains lot of attention of the customer. These factors make E-Marketing to overlap the traditional marketing. The Internet is assumed to be an important channel for marketing and distribution of products and services. This is, among other things, due to the cost-effectiveness of the Internet and the convenience for customers. With the Internet marketers can reach out to a broad customer base, locate target customers, identify their needs and communicate with them at a relatively low cost. The Internet provides an opportunity for market testing and optimization. Increasing digitalization will make it progressively easier to experimentally alter particular aspects of a business and quickly observe how customers respond (Wyner, 2000) Benefits of e-marketing E-marketing has several benefits which can be capitalised by the organisation to gain competitive advantages; those benefits are listed below, The web allows non-linear communication in which there is free flow and exchange of information, and there is a potential for two-way communication between a business and its audiences in different contexts on a one to one basis, and a many-to-many basis. The many-to-many model involves communication between customers (Hoffman and Novak, 1995). E-marketing can increase an organisations geographic coverage beyond its traditional operating area. E-marketing will also make the organisation to have a global presence and a wider reach. New market and new customers can be obtained by the company, if the e-marketing is utilised effectively. Moreover e-marketing provides a cheap way of communicating with customers and the business transactions can also be cared out in low cost. A website can be used as a powerful business tool for carrying out sales and services all day providing greater convenience for the customer. Besides that e-marketing can be used for an online sales promotion and provide targeted offers and special privileges to the customer. E-Marketing is fast and flexible communication tool and helps to fulfil the customer retention objective of the company. The internet provides rich sources of marketing data for the marketers, which can be used for decision-making purposes. Additionally e-marketing research supported with appropriate software and technology provides a good data analysis to streamline the process of research. Similarly e-marketing help to improve the brand name and provides a better platform for development of the brand presence. The purpose of branding is to facilitate the organisations task of getting and maintaining a loyal customer base in a cost-effective manner to achieve the highest possible return on investment (De Chernatony and McDonald, 1998, p.17) E-marketing problems There are also few problems with e-marketing that marketers must understand and respond to. Those are outlined below: A companys marketing environment consists of the actors and forces outside marketing that affect the marketing managements ability to develop and maintain successful transactions with its target customers. The marketing environment offers both threats and opportunities (Kotler et al, 2001) The major problem of e-marketing is lack of trust among the online users to make transactions with unknown traders and the customers resistance to change, mainly older and disadvantage people. Next big problem is customers concerns over privacy issues such as spam and unwanted marketing communication. Rising network security doubts over fraud and hacking cause huge setback for e-marketing. Moreover the technology gap between the organization and customer is a disadvantage. There are also difficulties and social impacts in cross-broader trading using electronic media. Customization and Personalization through E-marketing The e-marketing provides customization and personalization benefits to both firm and the customer. Customisation refers to more personalised products availability and tailored communication. The Internet marketing environment offers extensive customization and personalization opportunities. The evolution from marketing on the averages to marketing on the differences is a very prominent theme and a major advantage of the Web market compared to real environments (Reitman, 1994). Customization provides the ability to the customer to order product uniquely as per their need and specification. This helps the firms to know more about the individual customer, so that the offers and communications can be tailored as per the behaviour of the customer. This provides a great competitive advantage. E-marketing and Customer Focus The customer focus is very essential for any business organisation and marketing activities are will be build to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction. Customer loyalty is emerged from satisfaction and from loyalty come more profitability and sales. The customer is the key element for all business but the e-marketing make customer even more powerful. Due the technology advancement customers are more demanding with search engines, more substitute product availability and multi-channel user friendly technology. Customer makes up the online communities of an organisation. Consumer behaviour growing to be more complex. But e-marketing coupled with emerging technologies enables more precise segmentation and targeting of customer. E-marketing helps to implement personalised offering to each customer, this done by obtaining permission and sends offers to target customer. The interactive nature of internet allows getting quicker customer feedback. These factors of e-marketing helps fi rms to remain customer focused.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hawthorne Essays -- essays research papers

Nathaniel Hawthorne is considered to be one of the most substantial writers of his time. His most famous novel, The Scarlet Letter truly originated Hawthorn’s version of romantic writing. It was this novel that also originated Hawthorne’s fame. Most of his works deal with or have some relation to Puritan times. The reason for the familiarity in his works is due to the fact that it seems to be influenced by his own Puritan ancestry. It was not until late in Hawthorne’s life that he received recognition. To do this Hawthorne had to change his name and found his own stlye of writing that pertained to his life experiances. His romantic style might have been too modern for the times, but eventually he was understood.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hawthorne was known for his ability to create such a compelling story in just a few pages. Within these few pages, flows an elaborate and complex story. These stories flow so steadily and with such complexity that Hawthorne seems to create his own romantic style. He does this by incooperateing many different situations that keep the reader intuned to the story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In many of his short stories there seems to be a character that is infatuated with a person or an object. The reason for Hawthorne creating stories like this could stem from his own experience with infactuation. Hawthorne was a very lonley person. He lived by himself for a long time until he married later in life. In t...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The American Family: Then and Now Essay -- Sociology, American History

What exactly is a family? Some would say it is a father, mother, and possibly children, but is this an outdated definition? With the world adapting and changing at such a high rate, it proves difficult to create definite boundaries for what constitutes a family. As events that are either detrimental or beneficial to society occur, family lives adapt to better suit the current state. The differences in culture, religion and traditions can offer possible explanations for why families are not the same, locally and globally. Sociological relationships change to fit the people involved in them, so it only makes sense that family groups would differ by location. This paper will discuss the ways that families in America have evolved over time. Also, I will explain what occurrences caused the need for such changes. The comprehension of any new concept starts with a basic definition. According to Macionis, family is a â€Å"social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to care for one another, including children† (2009:375). The diversity of families in America dates back to the colonial period. There were a variety of different family types that coexisted or competed in colonial America (Coontz 2005: 27). In this time period, the husband would work all day and leave the children at home with the mother. The mother, however would rarely tend to the children. She would do house work and leave the children with an older sibling or servant. This caused a lack of sentimental feelings in childhood because the mother was not the nurturer. Coontz states that among wealthy, white families specifically, the basis of the relationship was built on power, not love (2005: 28). The modernization and industrialization ... ...order for America to continue as a successful country, there will need to be strong family units who are prepared to face the downfalls that will come due to a changing government and economy. The success rates of a family, however, are much deeper than economic or government issues. Hard work, compassion, and communication are components that can be seen in almost any successful family at any time period. In striving to achieve these aspects of a family unit, America’s families would find much more stability than previously seen and be better equipped to face hard times. References Coontz, Stephanie. 2005. â€Å"The Way We Weren’t: The Myth and Reality of the â€Å"Traditional† Family.† National Forum: The Phi Kappa Phi Journal Summer: 27-34. Macionis, John J. Society: the Basics with Additional Readings in Sociology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Human Resource Definition Essay

1. Contingent workers- Someone who is not an employee, but a temporary or part-time worker for a specific period of time and type of work. Employee engagement- The extent to which individuals feel linked to organizational success and how the organization performs positively. Human capital- The collective value of the capabilities, knowledge, skills, life experiences, and motivation of an organizational workforce. Human resource management- Designing management systems to ensure that human talent is used effectively and efficiently to accomplish organizational goals Organizational culture- The shared values and beliefs in an organization. Productivity- Measure of the quantity and quality of work done, considering the cost of the resources used Sustainability-Being able to continue to operate, survive, and adjust to significant changes. ————————————————- ————————————————- Essay Questions: Answer the following essay questions based on the book and class discussions. 2. Ethical behavior in an organization is likely to occur when an ethics program includes these four elements: The four elements necessary to quantify an organization’s ethics are 1) written code of ethics and standards 2) ethics training to executives, managers, and employees 3) availability for advice on ethical situations (i.e. advice lines or offices) and 4) systems for confidential reporting 3. What challenges face HR managers with regard to workforce availability and quality? What are potential solutions? Future supply of and demand for employees and the nature of workforce issues, including the retention of employees. These factors are used when recruiting applicants for job openings. The selection process is concerned with choosing qualified individuals to fill those jobs. 4. What are the three major roles of HR management? Which is/are the most affected by technology and outsourcing? Which roles are growing in importance? 1) administrative, 2) operational and employee advocate, and 3) strategic. 5. Identify the key competencies needed by all HR professionals, and the additional competencies needed by senior HR leaders. HR professionals need competencies in strategic knowledge and impacts; capabilities in legal, administrative, and operational areas; and technology knowledge abilities. Senior HR leaders need these areas plus others to be effective. ————————————————- HR Headline: Read the following and then in teams, answer the following questions: HR Headline: The Challenges and Crises Facing HR Management Recent economic downturns, industry crises, bank failures, closing of plants and stores, changes in global operations, and other factors have significantly affected organizations, managers, and Human Resource (HR) management professionals. Some jobs are in high demand while others are being eliminated. According to surveys, some of the biggest problems include the following: 1) Adjusting benefits programs due to increasing costs; 2) Attracting and retaining key employees; 3) Planning for replacement of â€Å"baby boomers† when they retire; 4) Using talent management to train and develop capabilities of employees for future job needs; 5) Dealing with the expanded personal and organizational use of HR technology through blogs, wikis, twitters, text messaging, and other aspects; and 6) Complying with revised and changing federal, state, and local legal requirements affecting discrimination, treatment errors, unionization, and others. Questions for Discussion: 1. What do you think will be the most important change in the economy that will influence HR management operations? Explain. Their media tend to be a big part of it since that how things are function more. There are so many way to communicate and get things done faster and is more time saving. Also attracts different type of people with different types of skills. 2. How do you think technology changes will change the way HR professionals do recruiting and selection of employees? What are the pros and cons of any changes? It helps people have easier way to apply for jobs or to show their talents. Help HR find people with the skills that they are looking for. But it also disqualifies many people for the reason they are in the internet/ profiles. 3. The number of jobs in HR is predicted to increase between now and 2018. Explain why you think that is? They are going to need more people to be able to hire other that are right for the jobs rather than outsourcing. Since many people are baby boomer, there are going retired soon so that means many companies are going to need new heiress there need HR to be able to cover all the new people that are coming. HR Headline: The Challenges and Crises Facing HR Management Recent economic downturns, industry crises, bank failures, closing of plants and stores, changes in global operations, and other factors have significantly affected organizations, managers, and Human Resource (HR) management professionals. Some jobs are in high demand while others are being eliminated. According to surveys, some of the biggest problems include the following: 1) Adjusting benefits programs due to increasing costs; 2) Attracting and retaining key employees; 3) Planning for replacement of â€Å"baby boomers† when they retire; 4) Using talent management to train and develop capabilities of employees for future job needs; 5) Dealing with the expanded personal and organizational use of HR technology through blogs, wikis, twitters, text messaging, and other aspects; and 6) Complying with revised and changing federal, state, and local legal requirements affecting discrimination, treatment errors, unionization, and others. Questions for Discussion: 4. What do you think will be the most important change in the economy that will influence HR management operations? Explain. Their media tend to be a big part of it since that how things are function more. There are so many way to communicate and get things done faster and is more time saving. Also attracts different type of people with different types of skills. 5. How do you think technology changes will change the way HR professionals do recruiting and selection of employees? What are the pros and cons of any changes? It helps people have easier way to apply for jobs or to show their talents. Help HR find people with the skills that they are looking for. But it also disqualifies many people for the reason they are in the internet/ profiles. 6. The number of jobs in HR is predicted to increase between now and 2018. Explain why you think that is? They are going to need more people to be able to hire other that are right for the jobs rather than outsourcing. Since many people are baby boomer, there are going retired soon so that means many companies are going to need new heiress there need HR to be able to cover all the new people that are coming. ————————————————- ————————————————- Chapter Video—Fruit Guys: After the video, answer the following questions. 6. What do you think will be the most important challenges for HR at Fruit Guys in the next five years? SUMMARYIZED THE VIDEO: It was showing how people in business think in the way of rewarding people in different positions. People that are in a higher position that are being rewarded for their performance in money show there performance actually got worse compare to the people in lower positions that are getting paid less. The study show that the people that have cram time to do a project are more productive and they show more passion on their job. Also people tend to do thing for free in there space time and are more productive since they are not pressured or force to do something they tend to be more productive. 7. Based on the CEO and other manager in the video, it appears that HR at Fruit Guys is expected to be involved in all three roles of HR. Describe an example of HR activities at Fruit Guys required for each of these roles shown in Figure 1-9 in the text.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Criminal Justice Court System

Is the American criminal justice system fair to all citizens? If asked this question, many people would go both ways. Some people would say it’s fair, while others would accuse it of being unfair. There are many reasons to why it would be fair but there are also many reasons to why it would be unfair. Many people would say that the American criminal justice system is fair is for many reasons. One reason is that every single person has certain rights no matter what. These are known as Miranda rights or the Miranda warnings.Law enforcement is required to administer these rights to protect any individual who is in custody and subject to direct questioning. If these warnings aren’t read, it’s seen as a violation of the person’s Fifth Amendment rights. Some of these warnings or rights include the right to remain silent and the right to stop answering questions at any time until you talk to your attorney. This is fair because it protects people against self incr imination. Another example that shows the fairness of the American criminal justice system is the right to counsel or the right to an attorney.The sixth amendment states that in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall have the right to have the assistance of counsel for his or her defense. If a defendant is not able to afford and attorney, one will be appointed to them. Another fair thing about the criminal justice system in America is the exclusionary rule. The exclusionary rule prevents law enforcement from using most evidence gathered in violation of the United Sates Constitution. It applies to evidence gained from an unreasonable search and seizure.The exclusionary rule would prevent a prosecutor from introducing at trial evidence seized during an illegal search. One more reason why people would call the American criminal justice system fair is because of the drug courts. These are courts that handle nonviolent substance abusing offenders. They are problem solving courts th at operate in which many communities work together to help nonviolent offenders find restoration in recovery and become productive citizens. While some people would call the criminal justice system fair, many people would say just the opposite.One unfair part of the criminal justice system is the death penalty. The death penalty is for the people who commit horrible crimes and are put to death because of it. It is unfair because sometimes, innocent people are convicted and put to death when they weren’t even the ones who did something wrong. The jury can only do so much and it can sometimes be wrong which is why the system needs to be careful about putting people to death. Another thing about the criminal justice system that could be seen as unfair is the plea bargain.A plea bargain is an agreement in a criminal case where the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a particular charge in return for something like a lesser sentence for example. It’s seen as unfair because sometimes even innocent people plead guilty because they feel like they have no way out. Another example of the criminal justice system not being fair is the right to certain lawyers. It’s true that if you cannot afford an attorney, you are appointed one but it’s not fair that the good attorney’s cost a lot of money.What if an innocent person could only afford an attorney who wasn’t very good and that person was convicted guilty? One more unfair thing of the criminal justice system is racial profiling. Racial profiling is the use of an individual’s race as of key factor in deciding whether or not to engage in enforcement. This is unfair because it could lead to unfair stereotypes or false assumptions. If someone asked me if I thought the American criminal justice system was fair, I would tell them yes.There are many unfair parts about the criminal justice system but I think that there are many more fair qualities about it. I like that everyone has similar or the same rights when being accused no matter what. I like that a certain court can help people put their lives back together instead of sending them to live with dangerous criminals. I also like that certain rules make sure law enforcement cannot violate any of the amendments. I would say the American criminal justice system is fair. Criminal Justice Court System Is the American criminal justice system fair to all citizens? If asked this question, many people would go both ways. Some people would say it’s fair, while others would accuse it of being unfair. There are many reasons to why it would be fair but there are also many reasons to why it would be unfair. Many people would say that the American criminal justice system is fair is for many reasons. One reason is that every single person has certain rights no matter what. These are known as Miranda rights or the Miranda warnings.Law enforcement is required to administer these rights to protect any individual who is in custody and subject to direct questioning. If these warnings aren’t read, it’s seen as a violation of the person’s Fifth Amendment rights. Some of these warnings or rights include the right to remain silent and the right to stop answering questions at any time until you talk to your attorney. This is fair because it protects people against self incr imination. Another example that shows the fairness of the American criminal justice system is the right to counsel or the right to an attorney.The sixth amendment states that in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall have the right to have the assistance of counsel for his or her defense. If a defendant is not able to afford and attorney, one will be appointed to them. Another fair thing about the criminal justice system in America is the exclusionary rule. The exclusionary rule prevents law enforcement from using most evidence gathered in violation of the United Sates Constitution. It applies to evidence gained from an unreasonable search and seizure.The exclusionary rule would prevent a prosecutor from introducing at trial evidence seized during an illegal search. One more reason why people would call the American criminal justice system fair is because of the drug courts. These are courts that handle nonviolent substance abusing offenders. They are problem solving courts th at operate in which many communities work together to help nonviolent offenders find restoration in recovery and become productive citizens. While some people would call the criminal justice system fair, many people would say just the opposite.One unfair part of the criminal justice system is the death penalty. The death penalty is for the people who commit horrible crimes and are put to death because of it. It is unfair because sometimes, innocent people are convicted and put to death when they weren’t even the ones who did something wrong. The jury can only do so much and it can sometimes be wrong which is why the system needs to be careful about putting people to death. Another thing about the criminal justice system that could be seen as unfair is the plea bargain.A plea bargain is an agreement in a criminal case where the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a particular charge in return for something like a lesser sentence for example. It’s seen as unfair because sometimes even innocent people plead guilty because they feel like they have no way out. Another example of the criminal justice system not being fair is the right to certain lawyers. It’s true that if you cannot afford an attorney, you are appointed one but it’s not fair that the good attorney’s cost a lot of money.What if an innocent person could only afford an attorney who wasn’t very good and that person was convicted guilty? One more unfair thing of the criminal justice system is racial profiling. Racial profiling is the use of an individual’s race as of key factor in deciding whether or not to engage in enforcement. This is unfair because it could lead to unfair stereotypes or false assumptions. If someone asked me if I thought the American criminal justice system was fair, I would tell them yes.There are many unfair parts about the criminal justice system but I think that there are many more fair qualities about it. I like that everyone has similar or the same rights when being accused no matter what. I like that a certain court can help people put their lives back together instead of sending them to live with dangerous criminals. I also like that certain rules make sure law enforcement cannot violate any of the amendments. I would say the American criminal justice system is fair.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Family Recipe Essay

When I was younger, I remember walking into my grandmother’s house every Thursday night smelling the freshly-baked homemade lasagna she always made. The recipe she would follow has been passed down from many generations in our family. It is one of my favorite meals to make, and it can be done in approximately an hour and thirty minutes. The key to making my family’s homemade lasagna can be summed up in three simple steps: selecting top-quality ingredients, preparing them, and baking the lasagna correctly. The first step in cooking my family’s homemade lasagna is to select top-quality ingredients. There are many different requirements for this dish, and getting the cheap brand of any of the ingredients does not allow for the full potential of the meal. You need to have one 16 oz. package of Barilla lasagna noodles, two pounds of the store’s fresh ground beef, one 24 oz. can of Prego Traditional tomato sauce, half a teaspoon of salt, two 16 oz. bags of Kraft mozzarella cheese, and one 16 oz. cup of Sargento ricotta cheese. After purchasing these ingredients, the ground beef, mozzarella cheese, and ricotta cheese need to be placed in the refrigerator until consumption. The second step in cooking my family’s homemade lasagna is to prepare it. Lasagna has many different ingredients that have to be cooked and mixed together at separate times. First, you need to preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit or 190 degrees Celsius. Boil two and one half quarts of water in a 5 quart pot of lightly-salted water on medium high, add the noodles and cook them for approximately eight to ten minutes or until soft. Drain the noodles and put them to the side. Next, put the two pounds of beef in a skillet and cook on medium high heat until all of the meat is evenly brown. Once the beef is fully cooked, drain the grease and rinse the meat with warm hot water. After you have drained and rinsed the beef, put it back into skillet and add one 24 oz. can of Prego Traditional tomato sauce. Stir until the meat and sauce are mixed evenly, keeping the temperature on low or simmer. As soon as you have cooked the lasagna noodles, beef, and mixed the tomato sauce and meat, you must combine all of the ingredients to bake it properly. For this process, you will need to use a three quart rectangular pan. First, place four lasagna noodles side by side down in the pan. Second, you need to add half of the meat and sauce to that layer and spread it evenly across the pan. Third, use a spoon and spread a thin layer of ricotta cheese across the meat and sauce. Once that is done, the fourth thing you do is add a moiety of the shredded mozzarella cheese to fully cover the layer until you see nothing underneath. After those steps are done, you must repeat this step again using the rest of the ingredients. The third step in cooking my family’s homemade lasagna is to bake it the correct way. The oven needs to have been preheating on 375 degrees Fahrenheit while you are preparing the dish. Once you have the pan ready to put in the oven, take a big piece of aluminum foil and cover the top. Place in oven for twenty five to thirty minutes depending on the cheese. When the cheese melts and turns slightly brown, take the pan out of the oven and remove the aluminum foil. Place the pan back into oven for five to eight minutes. After the typical five to eight minutes is up, remove the pan and let it stand for ten minutes before cutting. When the ten minutes is up, you can cut and serve up to ten people with this dish. When you finish eating the portions that you please, be sure to cover the pan up with aluminum foil and place it in the refrigerator. Preparing my family’s homemade lasagna recipe is not a difficult task, but it is very time consuming. Many people try to rush and throw everything together to have a meal in a timely manner, but the key to success is patience. You must have the patience to cook and put together the dish before baking it. The key to creating my family recipe is to select top-quality ingredients, prepare them, and bake them correctly. By following these directions, your homemade lasagna meal will be a great success for you and whomever. (760).

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Week Final

My upbringing was of a military family with my Father being from central Indiana and my mother coming from Japan, this difference has interestingly shaped my views a little bit differently from hers, but on the same side of things as we have become older shaped a truly similar point of view on ourselves, family, and society. Taking the Myers Briggs test I scored a type SITS and was named a Trustee, meaning that I was more Introverted, sensing, thinking, and Judging than my mate although similar with a type JIFFS and names conservator tying between introverted and extroverted, ensign, feeling, and judging being her higher marked percentages.What I found out is that for me it was pretty accurate I feel as I am more introverted when it comes to accomplishments and things that I can do to make things matter most. Am a thinker and think most before doing something whether It has to do with myself of others, and overtime have become Judging in my perception of Issues or Ideas.My Interviewe e tested similar with the exception of being more feeling, I for one can see this as she is always looking out for the less fortunate, and helping when she can no tater what, spreading her schedule thinner as the days of the week unfold. My interviewer remembers information better if given the opportunity to observe rather than reading about a behavior. The reason was given that to observe Is better than reading as translation can be misconstrued or left out when trying to remember Just what It was you had Just read about.I for one am split between the two as I do learn better by observing an example or technique than reading, but feel strongly that I can also read about behaviors or techniques and then apply what I had just read bout, I also feel that with the more media on sicknesses and disorders in schools and with more kids being diagnosed with ADD it comes to a point that what you take in daily Is the information on what signs to look for and where to seek help, another Instan ce is that It seems like you can Just talk to any given parent who has kids and school and you will find someone who has experienced this firsthand or knows someone who has dealt with it. Interviewee chooses to study at home with distractions and noise as opposed to going to a quiet place like a public library.She feels as though noise and distractions are of no concern over the ability to be comfortable in her own setting at home, and she doesn't really want to be in a place unfamiliar because that alone will give her more distractions than any that could could settle into a calm quiet environment better to be able to concentrate better with little or no distraction apparent. I know that if I chose to study at home and was not able to retreat to my downstairs office for peace and quiet I would not be able to concentrate long enough to do any good. One way I study at home is to do it either early in the morning or later in the evening so that I am not tempted to see what else the fa mily is doing of find myself choosing to partake in other activities other than studying. The results of the Myers Briggs test for the interviewee was one of being a conservator; she was more opt to minister to others needs and desired to be of service to others first besides herself.I on the other hand was one of Trustee, decisive in practical affairs, and a guardian of time honored institutions. My interviewee felt as if the test was somewhat accurate and that it lacked accuracy on how she believed she should of scored, she had a hard time believing that only a little over 13% of the population was indeed similar to her. She felt that with Christianity being as high as it was in the U. S. That more people should have been scored as to have the desire to help others in need and to mentor to them. I thought that the test was fairly accurate for me as I am very traditional in my thinking and decisive, but felt similar as I thought that more than 11% should be like me.My interviewee t hought that childhood memories of church and observations on how her parents treated others shaped her personality as a young women, and then as she matured it grew into a better relationship with her memories of church that helped her to continue to want to go and become better at doing the things that Christ has died for us to become. She felt strongly that it was her desire or the Holy Spirit moving in her lead her to this understanding and defines who she is today. I felt different as I was never brought up in church and didn't even attend church until I aired my wife and was then arrears old. I feel that my parents strong will to be respectable after all my father was in the Ana and I held a pretty straight line or suffered the consequences for my actions, that and the Japanese culture from my mother's side which has a very high respect for a family honor that molded my transformation as a young man to adulthood.I do feel that after living the way I did, which was a typical one as a young man it was later in life when my wife asked me to attend church that I felt something was missing and that desire led to my walk with Christ that shaped my personality today. Interviewee feels as if she is very self monitoring as I pertains to her attitude each and every day, an attitude that starts with what she takes in, what she reads, watches, meditates to, music she listens to, and even the food she eats. She made the comments â€Å"garbage in garbage out†. I felt as if this has also led my day as well. I choose to be conscious of what I say and what I do. This awareness affords me the ability to handle the everyday stresses with work, school, kids, etc. Tit confidence that I can get through the day Just as long as I have the attitude to behave positively and responsibly.The strongest things that influence the interviewee's attitudes are scripture. She gives GOD her first and last each and every day. This positive uplifting meditation that includes, prayer, b ible readings, and awareness allows herself to be charged for positive things and allows her the ability to handle stressful times with integrity and honor to GOD. The thing that I felt strongly about that has the most influence on my attitude is my mind. If I allow things torn down with negative influences. I too feel that a conscious relationship with Christ has offered me and equipped my spirit to handle stressful situations with integrity and honor as well.

Friday, September 13, 2019

A Research Of the Events Leading Upto World War II By Tuchmans Guns Of August.

A Research Of the Events Leading Upto World War II By Tuchman's Gun's Of August. One of the deadliest wars in world history, World War I, lasted from July of 1914 until November of 1918. This was one of the first wars to be defined as a global war. This essentially means that all of the world ‘s superpowers were fighting and consequently the whole world was affected. The world’s powers all gathered together and were part of either two groups. The first group was the Allies, which consisted of France, the British Empire, and the Russian empire. The second group was the Central Powers, which consisted of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Germany. In The Guns of August, Barbara Tuchman examines the months leading up to the war and the first few months of it. Specifically, she focused her narrative on the military history aspect of World War I. Overall, Tuchman depicts an extraordinary prelude to World War I, such as the decisions of the superpowers involved and world events that affected the war. It has been described by the reviewer Samuel R. Williamson Jr. as â€Å"one of the finest works of history†¦[and of being a part of] the best sellers list for more than forty weeks†. Tuchman begins her book by illustrating her thought process behind her work and the methods that she used. She starts with an introduction that exemplifies the need for facts and connections in order to accurately depict World War I. In the Foreword, written by Robert Massie. In this foreword, Massie reflects on Tuchman’s writing process and how she describes her work. On page xi, Massie states that in regards to Tuchman’s work, she asked numerous questions and â€Å"[her] research was too find out†¦ what really happened.† In other words, Tuchman’s question would be ‘What really and factually happened in the prelude and first few months of World War I?’ On page xi, there is another question; Massie describes Tuchman’s efforts to get at â€Å"how it actually felt for the people present?† In other words, Tuchman’s question would be ‘how did World War I make the people involved feel like?’ In the author†™s note, Tuchman herself, once again reiterates this question and how she answered it throughout her book. In the authors note, Tuchman goes on to explain how she answered these questions. In seeking answers to these research questions, Tuchman gathered great amounts of information from various types of sources. On page xxiv, Tuchman states that the first question was answered based on evidence from documents she’s gathered and even that â€Å"all conditions of weather†¦in the following pages [of the novel] have documentary support†. Some examples of documents that she used to answer this question are primary sources of battle orders, telegrams, secret codes, maps, and weather reports. On page xxiv, Tuchman states, in regard to the second question, she had a â€Å"total immersion in military memoirs†¦[and] all†¦ thoughts or feelings, in states of mind public or private†¦ Have documentary support.† Similarly to the first question, this quest ion is also omnipresent throughout the novel. Therefore it is hard to pinpoint the documents used to answer this question down to one. Nevertheless some examples of primary sources she used to answer this question are letters, memoirs, dairies, and pictures. Nevertheless, Tuchman’s approach strays from the classic historiographical approach from here on out. Her study is more of a descriptive history than one of pure analysis. In one book review, Jeanne Lombardo states that Tuchman used â€Å"the historicist technique of combining documentary evidence with the powers of the imagination†¦ [which] she uses to paint a vivid, living picture of the events and individuals of August, 1914.† It is important for readers to understand that although Tuchman doesn’t come right out and say what her analysis is, it doesn’t mean it is nonexistent. Tuchman utilizes her documents in a way, which creates an eloquent story. Tuchman backs up this idea when she states that she believes â€Å"the very process of transforming a collection of personalities, dates, gun calibers, letters, and speeches into a narrative eventually forces the ‘why’ to the surface† (xii). It is also important to include the interpretation of Ulrich Trumpener. He states in his book review published in The Journal of Modern History that The Guns of August was a great narrative work, but â€Å"as a scholarly contribution to the history of World War I it is less than satisfactory†¦ [Tuchman’s] story is only partially based on the best available evidence†¦[and contains] oversimplifications.† Trumpener continues to discuss how The Guns of August increasingly left out information regarding certain countries’ contributions to the war. Nevertheless, Tuchman addressed this issue in her author’s note where she stated there was some omission regarding certain fronts throughout her book. In regard to these omissions, she states that they were â€Å"outside my chronological limits and it seemed to me there was unity without it is the prospect of tiresome length if they were included† (xxiv). Personally, I believe that her descriptions were all based on fact and the omission of certain aspects was essential. This is because it would have been detrimental to her interpretations and consequently her narrative descriptions. Overall, Tuchman’s sound research through both primary and secondary sources regarding World War I led to her study revolving around what she believed truly led to the war. She had numerous interpretations from her analysis of the documents. She specifically believed that there were roughly four reasons that this war started. The first reason she believes was due to a misconception regarding the free trade and the idea it would stop a war because people would want to avoid economic consequences. This idea can be idea can be shown on page 12, where Tuchman states: Lord Esher delivered lectures on the lesson of The Great Illusion at Cambridge and the Sorbonne wherein he showed how ‘new economic factors clearly prove the inanity of aggressive wars’. A 20th Century war will be on such a scale, he said, that it’s inevitable consequences of ‘commercial disaster, financial ruin and individual suffering’ would be ‘so pregnant with restraining in fluences’ as to make war unthinkable. In this quote, Tuchman illustrates the belief that the war was considered unthinkable due to the economic effects it would have. Tuchman uses a source that included the preaching’s’ by someone who was considered highly educated to prove this point. The Second reason Tuchman believed that the war happened the way that it did was due to ideologies regarding warfare. Tuchman thought there was too much of an emphasis of the countries involved on the idea of a quick war and staying on the offense. She demonstrated this idea on page 372, where she stated: Clausewitz [a German] had described terror has the proper method to shorten war, his whole theory of war being based on the necessity of making it short, sharp, and decisive. The civil population must not be exempted from wars the fax of estimate feel it’s pressure and be forced for the severest measures to compel their leaders to make peace. In this quote, Tuchman illustr ates her thought that the war happened the way it did because the leaders of the nations involved believed that the war was bound to be quick and short. This specific example revolves around the German peoples’ ideologies of a short war and the need to always attack. Tuchman used Clausewitz to prove the pressures of a short war and offensive attacks. The third reason Tuchman discussed revolved around the effects of the treaties. Tuchman emphasized how the treaties and alliances resulted in a type of domino effect, which resulted in more countries becoming involved with the war. Tuchman describes this idea on page 63: The government maintained the disingenuous position that the military â€Å"conversations† were, in Haldane’s words, ‘just a natural and informal outcome of our close friendship with France’. Natural outcome they might be; informal they were not†¦ the General Staff have ‘certainly committed us to fight, whether the cabinet likes it or not.’ In this quote, Tuchman explains her thought that the war happened the way it did because of how many intertwined alliances and treaties there were. This specific example revolves around the connection between the U.S and France and how their alliance essentially meant that if one of them went to war, they both had to. Lastly, another in terpretation she came across was the contradictions involved in the warfare, such as having technological advances but sticking to the traditions of wars in the past. She discusses this on page 457: Doumergue made a deep impression when he said, ‘it takes more courage to appear a coward and risk popular disfavor interest being killed.’†¦[This statement] provided a subject for further heated dispute. In this quote, Tuchman outlines a heated debate from this time. This debate was essentially one revolved around trying to overturn distiniguished ideals on the ethics of war. Previously, it was thought it was better to die in battle than to give up. Nevertheless, the use of that ideology in this war was detrimental to the militaries because of the invention of new weapons. Tuchman decided to write The Guns of August when a publisher, Cecil Scott of the Macmillan Company, invited her to write a history describing the events that took place during this war. In the preface, Tuchman described a concern she had about the idea that no one would be interested in such a topic or read this book. She stated, â€Å"In moments of depression during the course of writing, I had asked Mr. Scott [the publisher], ‘Who is going to read this?’ (xxi) The book was originally intended for an audience that had previous knowledge of World War I and wanted to see an interpretation of how it felt for those involved. Nevertheless, as a richly descriptive study with a blend of imagination and evidence, resulted in it becoming a widely read book across a variety of populations. The book turned out to be a great resource for those interested in studying the origins of World War I, but needed a captivating story to keep them entertained while learning. The feature that was often denounced by some, the writing style being a descriptive narrative with imaginative pieces based on fact, is what ultimately led to its widespread popularity. Tuchman’s writing style in this text matched the needs of the intended audience and this outreach included every day people. Making the compelling story based on the facts allowed people who would normally be bored by history to become captivated. An example of Tuchman’s ability to present fact with an interesting narrative can be shown on page 90: Meeting the censure of his comrades, Admiral Troubridge demanded a Court of Inquiry which order to his trial by court-martial in November, 1914, on the charge that ‘he did forbear to Chase H.I.G.M.’s ship Goeben, being an enemy then flying’. Tuchman is able to bring Admiral Troubridge to life. She captivates her readers through not only listing the facts but also using fantastic diction, such as the word â€Å"demanded†. Nevertheless, she is also able to give her readers the facts needed to understand the causes of World War I. In this instance, she was able to give a quote from a secondary source, an article on Troubridge. This use of captivation is done by one of the three types of historical writing, Narrative writing. This is because narrative writing is used when the author wants to chronologically tell an event; in this case it was the prelude to the war. Also this style is usually used when an author is telling a military history, which Tuchman is. The Guns of August is, ultimately, an insightful and rigorous work that describes the military history of World War I. Tuchman was able to coherently voice her interpretations on the reasons the war occurred through a descriptive narrative. Although, there are some differences in opinion revolving around Tuchman’s analysis, she does a great job utilizing her sources in a way to prove the economic and militaristic reasons behind the inevitable Global War. Works Cited Lombardo, Jeanne Belisle. The Guns of August by Barbara W. Tuchman. Center for Future Consciousness. Essays/A Review of The Guns of August by Barbara W.pdf. Sewanee Review. Project MUSE Fifty Years On: The Guns of August, Always Popular, Always Flawed. Accessed November 18, 2016. Trumpener, Ulrich. The Journal of Modern History 35, no. 1 (1963): 94-95. Tuchman, Barbara W. The Guns of August. New York: Ballantine, 2004. .

Literature review of Fourteen Foorces of Magnetism Essay

Literature review of Fourteen Foorces of Magnetism - Essay Example It was built as a result of a lack of a real hospital in that location which led to the death of many local people with emergency medical conditions. Being the first and best hospital on the area, St. Luke’s has one of the biggest positive images in that society and its respect surpasses all. It is with this image that made it be accredited as an inpatient rehabilitation unit (the only national one in that area) by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). Most of the forces of magnetism in this organization are consistent with their intent. Some however have inconsistencies which according to research may be as a result of the organization being alone and of its kind for a long time and hence had enjoyed market monopoly and even when another hospital was unveiled, no changes were made and no one seems to notice these inconsistencies. One of the inconsistencies is in the fourth force about personnel policies and programs which advocated for competitive salaries and benefits. In the organization, this is not the case and most nurses especially are underpaid compared to the work they perform daily. Even though the organization strives to achieve force thirteen about interdisciplinary relationships being valued and upheld, doctors still look down upon other members of the health care team due to their differences in qualifications. This however does not seem to affect the overall quality of the health care being provided by the organization (Malloch and O’Grady, 2010). The consistencies in force of magnetism have made the organization gain a lot of support from the surrounding community and this has improved the image of not only the hospital in general but also of its medical personnel. The fact that the hospital puts the needs of the community first at all times and even forgets about the needs of its own staff especially on

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Bio Ethics and Longevity Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Bio Ethics and Longevity - Term Paper Example The idea of extending human lifespan has captivated scientists, philosophers and writers for a long time now. Moreover, ethicists have argued whether people should take a step to increase human longevity, which is not surprising. This is in consideration of the persistent media interest in research in to preventing or slowing ageing. Taking note of that, this paper will briefly summarize the ethical arguments that arose from this debate, with a focus on a recent case study on Life-extension and its effects on memory and learning (on worms). Finally, it will give a summary of critique of the case study as well as the personal opinion or ethical stand. 1. Summary Case study: Life-extension and its effect on memory and learning (on worms) The focus of the case study is on two methods to increase the longevity of various organisms - calorie restriction and alteration hormone insulin. It claims that research has shown that, reducing activity related to the insulin signal pathway impact lo ngevity positively. Several biological processes such as metabolism, development and stress response are triggered by the change of insulin signal pathway.1 A group of Biologists from Princeton recently found that, altering these mechanisms do also have some consequences on the organisms’ cognitive function and their research also revealed that calorie restriction and reduced insulin signaling is linked to reduced memory and learning as the organism grow old, which calls for development of a special treatment to avoid memory loss if people are to live longer. According to Coleen Murphy, longevity research works on the assumption that people who are able to live longer should have their bodies function equally well for the additional years. Collectively with her research team, they found out that calorie restriction had some severe effect on the lasting memory of C.elegans roundworms. To their surprise, the worms only suffered from impairment to long-term memory, but did not e ncounter any reduction in memory with age. Consequently, this means that gradual memory loss can be fought by calorie restrictions. On another front, the worms that were experimented with generic mutation reduced insulin active, signaling insulin activity. This experiment improved learning ability with age, but the worms were not secured from age-related reduction in long-term memory. These worms were used because their molecular mechanisms which governed these worms were alike to higher organism like mammals, and this has provided a promising hope for cognitive research on humans. Definition(s) Cognitive is based on or related to or involving reasoning or thinking, which is an activity of the mind. Indeed, Murphy’s team has done a tremendous job, but they have to be sure that it will apply to human beings as well and how they can overcome the reduction in learning and memory of these worms in question. The information that human’s genes are likened with those of C.ele gans, enabled treatment of negative cognitive alteration in relation to longevity extension of the worms, which is an answer to humans research. This study poses big questions. Will there be equity in access to this intervention once it is out? How does it impact our morality as human beings? Is the use of worms as having the same memory as human beings ethical? The following principles and academic papers try to take these questions into consideration. 2.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Contemporary Management Accounting System Essay

Contemporary Management Accounting System - Essay Example Hopwood (1976), in his book ‘Accounting and Human Behaviour† had stated that, â€Å"Accountants and other members of the management team searching for means of understanding and improving standard setting and budgeting; must therefore see the process in its entirety and respond to it as a complex human and technical problem rather than one standing in technical isolation.† This implies that there has been a paradigm shift in the principles and practices of management accounting. Management accounting no longer comprises of only the technical aspect of accounting, but also the multifaceted management aspect of the business on the whole. The area of management accounting has undergone considerable changes during the past years. One of the major factors that had influenced the modifications in the management accounting practices have been the dynamically competitive and swiftly altering organizational environment that is prevalent today. Additionally, the present day business settings comprise of ongoing reformation in the working atmosphere, as well as continuing progress in the financial information arrangements. With the advent of new information system practices and the development of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, there has been a vast change in the management as well as financial accounting practices of modern day organizations. ... Hence, the role of management accounting professional were considerably influenced by the inclusion of various information systems as well as by the use of superior and efficient reporting tools (Roussoulis, 2007). Consequently, it can be stated that owing to these diverse changes in organizations leading to the emergence of modern contemporary organizations, the responsibilities of management accountants has been varying throughout the previous couple of decades. The modern accounting literature has constantly emphasised that there is a strong requirement for management accountants to diverge and deviate from the conventional bookkeeping role, to a more active role, that offers dynamic support to the organization’s management and comprises of rising involvement in business decision-making (Kaplan, 1995; Granlund & Lukka, 1997; Granlund & Lukka, 1998; Jarvenpaa, 2001). Furthermore, it has also been mentioned that the management accountants in the contemporary organizations are endowed with more responsibilities other than the routine categories of accounting tasks (Roussoulis, 2007). Under the prevalent business conditions, the management accountants of contemporary organizations are supposed to act like business partners for the management of the organization in addition to being change agents for the organization (Anthony & Govindarajan, 2007). The Concept of Management Accounting Management Accounting is one of the fundamental segments of the core management role of an organization. The management accounting practices comprises of the recognition, assessment, accretion, scrutiny, research, interpretation and correspondence of information that are required by the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Research Paper Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Research Paper Proposal - Essay Example With regards to the proposed research study, the researcher aims to provide a clear introduction. As part of the main body, the researcher will discuss the following: (1) importance of dental development when it comes to determining the age of the victim; (2) ways in which archeologists could determine the sex of the victim through by studying either the human dental remains and skeletal remains of the victim; (3) the use of human dental remains when it comes to determining the past occupations of the victim; and (4) ways in which human dental remains could reflect the victim’s past medical condition and treatments prior to his/her death. Prior to the conclusion, the researcher will seek to discuss how human dental remains could reflect the victim’s lifestyle and/or habits. 1. To save the researcher’s time and effort, the researcher will first list down the schools that offer courses related to the study of bioarcheology, dentistry, forensic science, criminal justice, and crime scene investigation. (Guide to Online Schools, 2008) The researcher plans to complete the research study within a short span of one week. The researcher will list down the nearby schools that offer online courses related to bioarcheology, dentistry, forensic science, criminal justice, crime scene investigation followed by gathering related peer-reviewed journal within the first two to three days. Right after the gathering related peer-reviewed journals, the researcher will spend another two days going through the journals and highlight important parts of the study. As soon as the researcher is done highlighting important findings in each journal, the researcher will start conceptualizing followed by officially writing down the flow of the research study. (See Appendix I – Gannt Chart Showing the Proposed Research Schedule on page 4) The proposed research

Monday, September 9, 2019

Critical thinking skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical thinking skills - Essay Example Thanks to the maternal grandparents who have willingly expressed a compassionate desire by giving their daughter a green light to move in but unfortunately the young mother turned it down. Many infants are born prematurely however like any other preterm this patient requires a lot of care. He is currently diagnosed with Broncho pulmonary dysplasia, has a problem with desaturation when removed entirely from oxygen. Has got brief apneic spells that are being managed with oral caffeine citrate hence require oxygen therapy and apnea monitoring at home and definitely this is not possible without proper empowerment of the mother and proper financial and legal support from the community resources. The infant patient experienced a grade 2 intraventricular hemorrhage during the time on the ventilator which could have hampered her mental development, has a head lag however this can’t take off the fact our optimism as there is a lot of hope and confidence in him considering he smiles freely in response to others and is able is able to follow objects with his eyes when sitting in an infant seat. Indeed with a much of conscience, confidence, compassion, commitment and competence the kid will make it. The community resources recommended for the proper growth of the kid includes; Proper empowerment of the mother and everyone around the infant patient, legal help in order to ensure that the father is taking up responsibility of taking care of the infant patient,and Support services in terms of hospitalization and regular checkup as he is a special child and so does he deserve special attention. Proper empowerment of the mother and everyone around the infant patient is one of the most important aspects of community resource in the form of counseling of the parents. It helps the mother to understand the significance of adherence to drug prescription and follow up (Lipe & Beasley, 2004). The mother is also made

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Good Cholesterol and Breast Cancer risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Good Cholesterol and Breast Cancer risk - Essay Example This phenomenon reduces the risk of heart diseases but at the same time HDL also stimulates migration and activates signal transduction pathways in the human breast cancer cell lines, thus acting like a catalyst in the development of breast cancer. Thus knocking down the HDL receptor, SR-BI by some pharmacological methodologies play an essential role in regulating cellular proliferation and migration, thus controlling the growth of tumor cells, and hence SR-BI can be essentially used in the treatment of breast cancer in humans. The Popular article, Good cholesterol and breast cancer risk explains about the above detailed primary research article in a crisp manner. Though HDL that is, good cholesterol is good for health and acts like a protective shield against heart disorders, it has a negative impact on breast cancer development in humans. Higher the level of HDL in blood, higher is the risk of developing breast cancer. Thus limiting the HDL receptor, SR-BI the rapid proliferation o f tumor cells were found to be greatly reduced. The popular article also interacts with Dr. Philippe Frank, head of the research team and a cancer biologist in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Thomas Jefferson University who stresses on the importance of inventing more specific drugs to inhibit SR- BI and the safer level of HDL to be mentioned in cancer patients. How it relates to the theme – ‘Gender, Science and Technology’ Both the articles are interlinked and have a strong correlation with the theme of ‘Gender, Science and Technology’. The main focus of both the articles is about the treatment for breast cancer. Though the exact cause for breast cancer is still a topic under research, analysing the risk factors can show who is most likely to develop the disease. Lifestyle choices, genetic disorders and medications taken for some kind of diseases may be some of the risk factors for developing the disease but some risk factors are more vulnerable, particularly one’s ‘Gender’. Breast cancer is most common in women because they have more breast tissue than men. Breast cancer causes include what stimulates the breast tissue to grow and develop. Female relatives can also be a risk factor for getting breast cancer. If one’s mother, sister or daughter have breast cancer, the chances of getting the disease is doubled. Though cancer of several types is the leading cause of death in the world, medical science and technology has empowered people to make life changing decisions by matching them with modern and advanced treatment options based on individual conditions of the patients. Modern science and technology has revolutionized the breast cancer research therapies and now chances of overcoming breast cancer are much better than in earlier days. Main Scientific Claim The authors claim that their examination about the role of HDL and SR-BI in the regulation of cellular signalling pathwa ys in breast cancer cell lines and development of tumors show that, HDL can stimulate the signal transduction pathways in the human breast cancer cell lines. Then, accelerate the formation of tumors and hence knocking down of HDL receptor, SR-BI limits the

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Overview where you are and where you want to be in 3-6 months Essay

Overview where you are and where you want to be in 3-6 months - Essay Example I have also finalized the project plan, methodology, and questions, which were presented for final approval. After gaining approval, I drafted my introduction, literature review, and methodology chapters and finally received my upgrade from MPhil to Ph.D. In the next three to six months, I am planning to apply for ethics approval, which will hopefully present me with the go-ahead to undertake the research activities with human subjects. I am also planning to prepare the course content and material for the intervention training for the EFL teachers, which will draw on foundational theories to set the parameters of how to tackle and answer he research question (Adams & Puetow, 2014). Finally, I want to begin the initial collection of data to carry out a pilot for my research study. It is hoped that the pilot study will allow for the emergence of theoretical concepts and throw up an array of alternatives ideas about what will be observed, which should later coalesce into more articulated concepts (Adams & Puetow,